Category: Whitepaper

The Power and Potential of the Betterwise Adaptive Instruction Model

Today’s high school students are well covered with standardized test prep and college admissions guidance. Yet when it comes to life prep – the acquisition of core skills such as opening a bank account, resolving conflicts, time management, succeeding in college, or exploring future careers – help is almost nowhere to be found. As a result, students feel inadequate and deeply anxious about their future.

At Betterwise, we’ve created a new learning application that prepares students for adult life, college, and career. Our innovative approach, which we call the Betterwise Adaptive Instruction Model (Betterwise AIM), features short video lessons and interactive quizzes about the subjects that matter most to students. Betterwise lessons are delivered by trusted subject matter experts in a format that aligns with how today’s students learn, increasing student engagement and retention.